Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The fair...

This weekend we had a bunch of fun at a county fair where I grew up. The first day was a soggy wet day where we got to see the animals and crafts...

I'm not afraid!

Please can I take him home!!
(he can sleep in my room)

Um...yah I don't think so.

Look...a Collin sized animal.

I don't care if it's raining buckets...
I found the trucks!

I want a turn too.

After the animals and the trucks we went to a magic show where Collin got called up on stage. He was thrilled and the magician was actually really funny.

I am sooo glad you picked me!

Then off to our yearly updates for their child identification cards.

This should be the only time
you are fingerprinted :)

Hey show me how that works.
(humm...not social at all)

By the end of the day the kids were really ready for some rides (which were closed due to the rain) but maple sugar fried dough made everything all better :)

Look we are in the paper...yummy

On Sunday we finally got a break in the weather and got to ride on all the throw-up rides (yeah...it was a blast for the parents)...fun all around:

Waiting in line.

That ride went so high!

Waiting with the little brother.

The girls were so good about helping the boys out.

Another "little kid ride"

Ok I have been patient...
When are we getting to the throw-up rides?

This is more like it.

You ready mom?

Thank-you auntie Melinda
for flipping 1,000,000 times!

I loved the zipper...
really worth the 1 hour wait.

Meanwhile over in the little kid area:

This line is toooooo long!

Much better.

Something to wash down all the sugar.

This is the way to travel!

Well we stayed at the fair way too late so the kids and I decided to wake up way to early and drive home Monday morning in time for preschool.

We all had so much fun...thanks everyone for making our weekend great!


  1. Jess...I just love all the photos....how do you find time for the blogging?? Super Mom!!
    I like the format your using too.....

  2. Thanks....My house is a disaster unless I am forced to clean it up (amazing how much time that saves).
